English Language Academy
What is the English Language Academy?
What is the English Language Academy?
Perhaps our most exciting news is that this wonderful asset to our students is now well and truly underway. Indeed, the Academy provided classes right through the Christmas holiday period, and the very first students made wonderful progress. It is hard to credit that in only two or three months these students have the confidence to speak freely in English, and most are able to succeed with at least four academic subjects as well as continuing ESOL classes.
Because teaching is so intensive, with a maximum of 12 students in the Academy, it is a little more expensive at $300 per week, but this cost is very good value. While we are very happy to ‘customise’ any programme to suit particular needs, we do offer three basic courses:
- English language short term, usually 3-4 weeks.
- High School preparation, usually 8-10 weeks.
- Tertiary preparation, for up to three months