This information is for those of you wanting to know what our college offers for our dyslexic students and those with other specific learning issues at Kāpiti College.
Years 9 and 10 Form Classes
A form class at both year levels comprising motivated students with dyslexia and other specific learning issues and ‘buddies’ of those students. These are mixed ability classes taught in a dyslexia friendly format following the same curriculum as all other year 9 and 10 classes. The class benefits from the extra help of a Teacher Aide. This class operates as any other year 9 and 10 form class.
Years 9 and 10 Literacy Option
This course runs for two terms and is suitable for those who struggle with any aspect of Literacy. It is particularly suitable for dyslexic students. Multi-sensory teaching is used to boost skills in reading, writing and spelling. Students develop their own Learning Profile and choose learning strategies based on their learning strengths. Class sizes are kept small and have the extra benefit of a Teacher Aide. Information about these courses can be found in our Year 9 and 10 Option Booklets.
Small Group Tuition
For those students who would benefit from continued support in a small group, this can be offered once a week and is driven by the students’ individual needs. Again multisensory teaching strategies are used to support students’ learning strengths. This is primarily for year 9 students.
Year 11
Dyslexia focused English, Maths and Science courses are offered at year 11, NCEA Level 1.
In addition to these classes, Kāpiti College’s philosophy is to teach all students as if they are dyslexic; in doing this we aim to teach effectively to all our students.
The school will support students meeting NZQA criteria in regards to application for Special Assessment Conditions (SAC). Evidence of eligibility is gathered throughout years 9 and 10, or through outside professional reports, such as an Educational Psychologist assessment. From there, applications are forwarded to NZQA for approval. The cut off date for SAC consideration at year 10 is the end of Week 1 Term 3.
An Educational Psychologist Assessment (Speld Assessment) for diagnosis of dyslexia/specific learning difficulties is required for your child to receive reader/writer/extra time/computer use for formal tests and NCEA exams.
Please provide the college with an electronic copy emailed to:
Learning Support HOD - nicki.gibbs@kc.school.nz
Kapiti College Dyslexia Specialist Teacher - louise.clarke@kc.school.nz
Dyslexia information please? - a link to our Facebook page - Initiated by our students as a useful forum for parents and students:
Additional Information
‘Ghotit’ is a dyslexia friendly spellcheck that can be downloaded from: www.ghotit.com
‘Open dyslexic’ is a dyslexia friendly font that can be downloaded FREE into your font list from: www.opendyslexic.org
Franklin electronic dictionaries are available online or from Warehouse Stationery, Paper Plus, Whitcoulls.
‘Nessy Fingers’ is a dyslexia friendly touch typing programme available from. They also are suppliers of other dyslexia software. Click here for more infomation.
Barrington Stoke books are dyslexia friendly and available HERE
Kindle and Kobo apps (e-readers) can be downloaded FREE.
Irlen (coloured overlays) for reading are available by emailing David Wardell at the Irlen Diagnostic Clinic - david@irlenclinic.co.nz