Itinerant Music Lessons
Itinerant Music lessons
The Itinerant Music Scheme offers in-school music tuition on a variety of instruments at extremely affordable rates. The Music Department employs up to seven part time tutors who visit the college every week. Certain wind instruments may be hired from the school. Enrollment forms and more detailed information sheets are readily available from the Music Department office. All enquiries can be directed to the HOD Music.
Itinerant teaching staff operate on a five-day timetable but lesson times are rotated each week so that students don’t miss the same class lesson from week to week. There may be some variation for juniors.. While music lessons take place in class time, most senior students request slots interval or lunchtime, and where possible, these requests are heeded.
Click here to see additional information regarding the Itinerant Music Scheme and the enrollment form.
Click here to for information regarding hiring musical instruments for 2025
Music Lesson Schedules
Please click on the relevant day below to see the music lessons scheduled.