Peer Tutoring

What is Peer Tutoring?

Peer tutoring is a programme for Kāpiti College students to help other students in their subjects at school. If you find a subject difficult, having a fellow student (peer tutor) guide you through the learning can be incredibly effective at making a concept 'click'. 

Peer tutoring is managed by the school's Academic Captains. It is very important for peer tutoring to be accessible, so it is 100% free! If you request peer tutoring, we will pair you up with a tutor -- you will reach out to them yourself. 

Requests A Tutor

Peer Tutoring is now fully up and running! 

Fill in this Google Form to request a tutor: Requesting a Peer Tutor

Become A Tutor

Being a peer tutor is not only an excellent way to fluff up your CV or certificate, or a way to solidify your understanding of a topic -- it is also a selfless act of service. Peer tutoring is rewarding precisely because it is a volunteer effort done without an expectation of payment. 

Peer tutors do their work because they enjoy using their skills to help students in need. If this sounds like you, become a tutor!

To become a peer tutor, fill in this Google Form: Becoming a Peer Tutor

Academic Captains' Contacts

If you have questions or comments about peer tutoring, talk to your Academic Captains:

Izzy Winter:

Zoya Gilbert-Bukh:

Stlla Gould:

Ben Carroll:


You Academic Captains will periodically ask for feedback (e.g. via survey) about how well the peer tutoring programme is working. Of course, you are welcome to tell us directly, at any stage.