Short Term Groups
Tokai Uraysu, Japan
Tokai Uraysu, Japan
On Monday and Tuesday, about 120 students from our Japanese sister school- Tokai Urayasu visited Kapiti College. They spent time at the Marae at a Powhiri, participated in classes, and also did a language exchange with the Japanese language students. They were impressed by how much Japanese our students could speak and understand, and formed friendships as they chatted together and visited the beach. Our Japanese language students are excited to visit them next year when we go over to Japan.
Tianjiabing Middle School, China
Tianjiabing Middle School, China
Tianjiabing Middle School visit Kāpiti College for a programme of ESOL, mainstream classes and trips/activities
Namiki High School, Japan
Namiki High School, Japan
Kāpiti College host Namiki High School for a programme of ESOL, activities and class time with buddies