Kāpiti College Library
Welcome to the Kāpiti College Library. We love to read. Seriously we love it.
The library has an extensive selection of fiction and non-fiction as well as an excellent collection of graphic novels. We are constantly updating and bringing in the latest and greatest material for our students to enjoy.
We are also extremely proud of our large selection of LGBTQI+ influenced literature.
There are 120 Chromebooks that students can borrow which ensures that all students have access to devices for their classes every day.
Librarians Dom and Alison are always happy to answer questions and share reading recommendations so just come in and ask.
To access the KC library website follow this link.
Left: Reading to Great Heights. Our Librarian Dom Ware and Assistant Principal Louise Berry read to Louise's height over the course of 2020.
Introducing the Student Librarians!
If you too want to volunteer in the library come and see Alison and Dom and say you are keen.
Alternatively feel free to email Dom at library@kc.school.nz